Homelessness Awareness Week 2022

Homelessness Awareness Week 2022

During Homelessness Awareness Week (5th to 11th of December) HarmonI and in particular, Utility Street Hostel, are hosting a couple of events to help share the stories and lived experiences of those experiencing homelessness.

Thursday 8th December 

On the Thursday of HAW HarmonI, through the keys to life project, will be doing a kitchen takeover at the hostel with the Community Chef. Service Users are going to cook a batch of stew before heading out to the streets of Belfast and engaging with others experiencing homelessness. As this year’s theme for homelessness awareness week is have the conversation, our service users will be out in Belfast engaging and having conversations with the public and those experiencing homelessness whilst offering a warm home cooked meal. Although this event meets the objective for this year’s HAW theme, it also achieves our internal aim of helping others and giving back. The event itself is closed to only service users at Utility Street Hostel but there will be opportunities to engage with us when we are out and about on the streets of Belfast.


Friday 9th December 

On the Friday of HAW, we are bringing in an external facilitator to run a creative workshop for service users at Utility Street. Those who take part will be asked to share their experiences of homelessness though whatever creative means they like. The outputs of this will then be published on our website and socials over a period of a months to keep the conversation going so keep an eye out for this over the next few months.  As this year’s theme for homelessness awareness week is have the conversation, HarmonI want to share the stories of those with lived experience of homelessness to help raise awareness surrounding the reality of homelessness in Northern Ireland. By publishing the outputs of the creative workshop over a period of months we hope to continue the conversation beyond Homelessness Awareness Week. The event itself if closed to only service users for Utility Street Hostel but outputs will be shared and available to all through HarmonI’s website and socials.



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