
Volunteering with Harmoni

At Harmoni we are always looking for volunteers who are enthusiastic and looking to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Our hostel in Belfast for men experiencing homelessness are looking for volunteers to help in a range of roles and projects.

Volunteering At Utility Street

At Utility Street we are looking for volunteers for a range of roles including assisting with cleaning and maintenance duties as well as working in our kitchen to help prepare meals for our clients. We are also looking for individuals who have experience of homelessness themselves to volunteer in our service and connect with our clients on a support/be-friending role. Additionally, as part of our keys to life project we are also looking for volunteers who are trained or skilled in a particular field to facilitate activities for our clients with support from our keys to life coordinator Derek. If any of these opportunities interest you please contact our HR manager Shirley-Anne on 02891474845 or email shirleyannemecferran@harmoni.org.uk to discuss. Please note all volunteering placement are subject to an Access NI check.

Student Placements at Utility Street

As well as volunteering, Harmoni are also providing student placement opportunities for students with an interest in homelessness services and support. To find out more about our student placement opportunities please contact our HR manager Shirley-Anne on 02891474845 or email shirleyannemecferran@harmoni.org.uk to discuss. Please note all student placements are subject to an Access NI check.

What's Happening at Harmoni

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Homelessness Awareness Week 2023! #turnthetide
To mark homelessness awareness week HarmonI hosted a discussion event bringing together a range of stakeholder and those with lived experience to find common ground on how we can #turnthetide of homelessness in NI.
HAW 22
Mark's Story
Reads about Mark's lived experience of homelessness.
HAW 22
Samuel's Story
Read about Samuels lived experience of homelessness...