“I became homeless because of my parents dying. Since then, I have spent time in 9 different hostels. I feel like people assume that if you are homeless or on the streets you use drugs and alcohol. They don’t realise that domestic or family issues are often a reason why people end up homeless.
Since I have become homeless, I have met some good friends, but not everyone is good, I have also met a lot of not so nice people on the streets. I have learnt from being homeless that I can cope a lot better than I thought with the right support in a supportive group setting, like in the keys to life project at Utility Street. I feel good when I take part in keys to life because in my room, I am lonely and that is when my head goes.
My advice for other homeless people is to be careful and watch who you trust and to try stay positive – things will get better.
I have noticed though recently that there were a lot less homeless people 5 years ago compared to now.”